Ginny Priz


Some days I would rather be right than be like Jesus. There, I said it. And even if you weren’t thinking it, I’m sure you’ve felt this way before. If you’re human (and I’m pretty sure you are), then at one time or another you’ve felt you are right. It’s natural to feel your opinion is right, your perspective is right, your facts are right, and your approach to problem solving is… Read More

There are moments in your life that becomes fixed markers along the timeline. Afterward, time is marked as “before” and “after” that moment. For me, one such moment came in 2010 on the street near my home in NJ. If you know me even a little bit you probably already know that 1) I was born with only part of my right arm and 2) I hate running. These things are important… Read More

Usually, perspective is used in reference to a three dimensional field of vision. But what would it look like to include the spiritual? How would your life’s perspective change if you expanded your field of vision to include God’s power and personal involvement?

Part I: How we choose to turn our backs on happiness.

There is a tradition in my house. One I take very seriously. It is called “The Dance Party.” When sadness or stress becomes too much, this tradition is brought out and celebrated.